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Lawsuit Over Defective Honda Windows Lands in Los Angeles Court


Many car accidents are caused by a negligent driver; someone who is distracted, drunk or overly aggressive. Driver negligence is not the only kind of negligence that can lead to serious injury or the wrongful death of a motorist.

Vehicles that have defective parts either through design or manufacturing pose a very serious danger for an unsuspecting motorist. Even some of the most trained automotive specialists cannot see an auto defect such as the one that a group of consumers complained about this week in a class-action lawsuit in a Los Angeles federal court.

The class-action lawsuit named the car manufacturing giant Honda as the defendant in the suit. The complaint stated that several Honda models produced during the years 1994 to 2007 contained a defect that caused windows to spontaneously drop into the door frame. The windows either broke in the door or became stuck. The vehicles that contain the defect are the Honda Odyssey, Pilot, Element, Accord, CR-V, Civic and MDX.

Consumers who complained of the defect said that not only was there a defect that caused expensive repairs, but they stated that Honda failed to fix the problem. Many said that they were offered a repair that did not fix the problematic piece, but instead knowingly replaced it with another defective plastic piece. Honda was not only accused of knowingly providing a repair part that would later fail, but also that the company failed to reimburse owners for repeated repairs.

Although this class action was filed much in part for repair damages, defects such as this can cause accidents when a piece fails during a driving trip. Other defects may cause further or unnecessary injuries when they fail to work properly during a crash.

If you have been injured in a car accident that was caused by a defective car part or suffered an injury that resulted from the negligence of a manufacturer, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit to seek compensation for the damages caused.

Source:, “Honda owners file lawsuit over windows,” Feb. 10, 2012