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Burn Injury Resources


All too often, clients come to our firm after suffering serious burns. These resilient individuals, who have experienced horrific injuries, painful medical procedures and lifelong scarring, inspire our team and make us proud to serve as a trusted resource to burn victims throughout California.

As a part of our dedication to helping burn victims and their families, we have compiled a list of resources that you may find helpful. If you require additional assistance after examining the list below, or if you would like to discuss your legal options, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Resources for Burn Victims and Their Families

  • Medline PlusThe National Institutes of Health, which is a part of the larger U.S. Department of Health & Human Services agency, administers this site. The link above directs you to a page with information about burns and inhalation injuries and provides interactive tools and printable materials for you to review.
  • CDC Fact Sheet: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publish this list of facts related to burns, fire safety, first aid, and injury prevention. It contains many statistics related to burn injuries in the United States.
  • Mayo Clinic First Aid: This page provides instructions, both basic and in-depth, for what you should do if you have been burned.

Burn Injuries: Causation, Compensation: This previous blog entry answers questions related to the causes of burn injuries and how compensation in burn injury cases is determined.

This post also discusses our successes in complex burn injury claims, such as when we obtained a $58 million verdict in a burn injury case.
