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How Common is Sexual Abuse?

a portrait of a young girl

Sexual abuse is, sadly, a very common occurrence. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), someone is sexually assaulted every 73 seconds in this country.

Despite the prevalence of sexual abuse, an astonishing five of every 1,000 perpetrators will never be held accountable for their crimes.

Below, our Los Angeles trial attorneys discuss more sobering statistics related to sexual abuse.

Sexual Abuse Statistics

According to RAINN, Child Protective Services (CPS) finds evidence for a claim of child sexual abuse every nine minutes.

Of all children who experience abuse, the age group of 12-17 is the most likely to suffer from it. 66% of sexual abuse victims are in this age group, while 34% of victims are under age 12.

The long-term physical and psychological consequences of sexual abuse are often devastating. Those who experience sexual abuse are about:

  • Four times more likely to develop symptoms of drug abuse
  • Four times more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder as adults
  • Three times more likely to experience a major depressive episode as adults

One reason why childhood sexual abuse survivors take years to come forward is that 93% of sexual abuse perpetrators know their victims. This degree of trust can make it very difficult for survivors to sort through their trauma and realize they have been abused.

This is why California’s extension on the statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse is so important. Survivors now have until the age of 40 (rather than the age of 26, as it was previously) to file a sexual abuse lawsuit, keeping in mind the three-year window if the statute of limitations for their case has already passed.

If you or someone you love has experienced childhood sexual abuse, our Los Angeles trial attorneys are here to help.

We have the experience and resources necessary to fight for your rights in trial, and we have achieved substantial settlements and verdicts for others like you.

Don’t spend one more second in silence. Contact Greene Broillet & Wheeler, LLP today at (866) 634-4525 to schedule a consultation with our team.