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The Long-Term Consequences of Sexual Abuse

a worried woman holding her head in a pillow

Sexual abuse and assault are startlingly common. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), someone is sexually assaulted every 73 seconds in the United States.

Sexual abuse can have devastating physical and psychological effects on a victim. Those who experience abuse often require lifelong therapies to work through their traumas.

Understanding the Effects of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse often impacts the most vulnerable groups in the community, including children, the elderly, the disabled, and more.

Sexual abuse is almost always perpetrated by someone close to the victim. RAINN estimates that 93% of sexual abusers know the victims they abuse.

The degree of trust in the relationship between the abuser and the victim can make it difficult for sexual abuse survivors to sort through their trauma or even understand that they had been abused.

Many children who experience abuse have memory loss before or during incidents of abuse due to their traumatic nature. Additionally, victims of rape and sexual assault often experience a level of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) similar to war veterans.

This can cause severe psychological distress for decades after the abuse.

Aside from the physical and psychological trauma, victims typically incur hundreds of thousands of dollars in their lifetimes on therapies and other treatments to address the abuse.

Experienced Sexual Abuse? We’re Here to Help You

If you or someone you love has experienced sexual abuse, our Los Angeles trial attorneys are here to help.

At Greene Broillet & Wheeler, LLP, we’re prepared to stand by your side and hold your perpetrators accountable for their reprehensible crimes. We have a strong track record of success in securing substantial verdicts and settlements in sex abuse cases, and we’re here to fight for you, too.

Contact Greene Broillet & Wheeler, LLP today at (866) 634-4525 to schedule a consultation with our team.